Terms & Conditions

This website is provided by Australian Unity Investments as the joint venture partner of Platypus Asset Management (Platypus). Australian Unity Funds Management Limited ABN 60 071 497 115 AFSL 234454 is the responsible entity for the Platypus Australian Equities Fund and the Platypus Systematic Growth Fund. These products are managed by Platypus Asset Management Pty Limited ABN 33 118 016 087.
The materials on this website have been prepared to provide general information only and may not necessarily be accurate or current. No person should act or fail to act on the basis of these materials.
General advice
The information on this website is general information only and does not take into account the financial objectives, financial or needs of any particular investor. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Before deciding whether to acquire, hold or dispose of a product, an investor should refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). A copy of the PDS can be accessed through this website or by calling 1800 649 033 or 13 29 39. You should also consider obtaining professional financial and tax advice.
Research ratings
For the rated Fund, investment decisions should not be made upon the basis of a fund’s past performance or distribution rate, or any rating given by a ratings agency, since each of these can vary. In addition, ratings need to be understood in the context of the full report issued by the ratings agency itself.
We understand the importance of protecting your privacy and are therefore committed to compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles. We may collect information about you. For further information about how we use and collect information go to Australian Unity Investments’ ’Privacy page.
Australian Unity Investments Privacy Notice
For a copy of the Platypus Asset Management Privacy Policy, click here.
We encourage the escalation and reporting of improper conduct within Platypus Asset Management (PAM) and the protection of eligible disclosers (also known as whistleblower) who make such reports as required by Part 9.4AAA of the Corporations Act and Australian Standard AS:8004-2003.
For a copy of the Platypus Asset Management Whistleblower Policy, click here.
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