An insightful collection of our free-range investment thinking™

The August 2024 Reporting Season
Over the last six months guidance for the ASX 300 FY25 Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth has decreased significantly from an estimate of +5.1% to +1.8% with this slide accelerating…
The H1 Reporting Season 2024
H1FY24 was a benign reporting season with no downward revisions to the FY24 expected EPS growth vs. negative ~100bps this time last year (average of negative ~70bps historically).
2024 – What to Predict?
In January 2023 we published market forecasts for calendar year 2023. How accurate were the forecasts?
Well not very and again we are reminded of the quote from Niels Bohr, the Danish Noble Laureate…
Injuring Workers Hurts Share Prices
Paul O’Neill became the CEO of Alcoa Inc. in 1987. He remained CEO of Alcoa for the next 12 years, retiring in 1999. Paul O’Neill’s tenure at Alcoa is the subject of numerous articles on…
The August 2023 Reporting Season
Over the last 6 months guidance for the ASX 300 FY 2024 EPS growth has slid significantly from an estimate of +2.75% to now -3.00% with this accelerating through the first 3 weeks…
The Lopsided Trading Smile
For many years, no self-respecting financial markets participant would take a call when the market opened. For the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) this is 10.00 am (AEST)…
Good assets get better, and turnarounds are hard.
The February 2023 interim reporting season was tough for many companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, highlighted by elevated…
The Energy Market
It’s a perennial challenge as governments strive for a balance between the growth and competition offered by free markets and the social and environmental outcomes desired by society.
Federal government price caps…
2023 What to Predict?
At Platypus we fall into the Niels Bohr camp in regard forecasting and prediction. A recap of some predictions for 2022 that we have recently reread have reconfirmed our position.
In late 2021 a view had emerged…
Will Santa smile on Australian retailers this Christmas?
It’s a delicately balanced question.
On the one hand, consumers look to be in rude health – employment is at record highs and household balance sheets…
The August 2022 Reporting Season
All eyes are on AGM season after company reporting season showed the
rising interest rates and higher fuel and food prices are impacting
the outlook for households & businesses.
Why we factor-in ‘factors’
In quantitative equity investing there is always talk about factors, but what is a factor, how are they defined, and does the Australian equity market have any that stand out?
Our thoughts on the energy transition
In an attempt to prevent blackouts and astronomic wholesale power prices across the east coast of Australia, the energy market regulator took an incredible step in June
Climate change: a Q&A for investors
First and foremost, Platypus aims to deliver strong returns to investors. Our job is to understand the impact of climate change on earnings and share prices and invest accordingly.
War in Ukraine: The supporting companies
When Russia invaded the Ukraine, fund managers quickly assessed portfolio exposures to both countries. With Russian sanctions in focus, companies rushed to announce their withdrawal from Russia…
Measuring ESG: Quant approach insights
Here’s a surprise: the more times a board of directors meets, the more likely a company will underperform. It’s a counterintuitive finding from the quantitative team at Platypus that…
Short term pain for long term gain
The sacking of James Hardie’s CEO was a major surprise. But starkly showed how, even in well performing companies, boards recognise that having the right culture is fundamental to success…
Why growth stocks still have plenty of life
Growth versus value stocks. It’s a time-worn conundrum for investors. During the past two decades, as central governments tamed inflation, growth stocks have outperformed value stocks…